Tuesday, May 10, 2005


hey mr sandman, haha yeah ure missing out loads man..
ya sentosa and the hut were pretty fun and refreshing man..

and i'm turning into a water baby..i just love the waters now..so i headed down to where the southern most point of the asian peninsula is located and we had a whale of a time, literally.

now i end up having a bruised 1st interdigital cleft on my right hand thanks to the frisbee..
sentosa is so different now. it looks certainly much more beautiful, and the people too, getting more and more beautiful. from fully clothed adolescents thronging the sandy beaches just a mere 2 years ago, sentosa has become a haven for bikini-clad beauties to frolick in the blue, albeit still murky, waters of the lagoons..

fortunately..the 'wildlife' is still pretty much unharmed, large schools of marine fish/longkang fish still inhabit the waters until the bridge, but less shy now and we found 'chit-chit' aka shellfish in the shallow waters of the offshore isle nearby..

but it was good to see that the young people nowadays are more open and outgoing now, and we just invited people to join in for some beach soccer..even seeing poly dudes picking up bikini secsch girls in beach vball..KM8 was a total disappointment.must be cos it was monday night..totally deserted man. but yeah they play some chill-out music. not outstanding, but a pretty cool concept.

okay, so jianhong, jirong and i left the hut to seek some cool solace on the beach, only to end up in the newly constructed hall/pavilion to spend our night..waking up to chittering noises and 'taptap' sounds in the night and frozen muscles. so here i am, having woken up from my slumber and dinner..yummy claypot chicken rice. my traps are aching already. and my brother is still screaming at my mother..hmm.

can't wait to finish downloading my OC..and i wonder how much my bro is paying for subscription to WOW. yes need to pay to play...what in the world is that logic?

oh, i should catch some home alone now..thanks sel..

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