Sunday, May 15, 2005

bish bash bosh besh bush

she was with me for 3 years. maybe more. i can't remember. now she's left me. no, she's left us. it first started when she started losing hair..i didn't know what to do.

and one fine morning, yes one fine morning. i woke up, and she was lying in an awkward position. i tapped her..and she didn't moved. i'm so sad.

no more pets for me from now on.


on a brighter note,

my sister got attached!!! i can't believe this dear sister..after all these finally happened..
i dunno if u're reading this, but i'm really happy for u! hahaha.. yeahh man and to think that i thot i was drunk and hearing things when u GIGGLED and said "YA!" with so much enthusiasm..hahahahhaahaha

oh well..sad for me, no time for me oredi right...hahah well u guys have my blessings, u must tell me the story..and zao sheng gui zi..


ya that's about it.

oh, my quest to queensway and beach road today churned out a miserable speedo towel. so much for the shoes and the backpack. if anyone noes where to get the ADIDAS KICK or ADIDAS ROMA (white and brown, not blue) please gimme a call...and cheap deuter packs, preferably quantum or aircomfort..thanks yo!

peace out.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

hey hb it's claris here! don't be sad alright at least she died peacefully. =) hope you're feeling better now!

love, claris!!! =D