Sunday, February 27, 2005


well, so i didn't get my Zen Micro. i didn't get my toshiba portege a200 either.

but so what?

cos here's what i got.....a silver ipod mini!! plus a dell laptop...12.1inch, super chio, with 1.8GHz, and a 1GB DDR ram, plus 80GB harddrive, and a DVD WRITER (!!!!!) all for just $2.4. hmm.

they're showing spiderman on AXN now..and there're some trailers for the upcoming tsunami programme on channel 5..think its really worthy to watch it...albeit rather painful.

does anybody see that elsewhere in the world, earthquakes are happening in iran, avalanches in pakistan, and malaria everywhere else. hmm. why is the world so ignorant of what's going on around us? as much as attention shud be placed on the tsunami-hit areas..i certainly hope some of that help, no matter how little of it goes to these other places, where families are taken apart, and homes wrecked.

sigh...remember how we used to learn about global warming at whatnot to save the world...granted, when the world ends, it's probably not within our lifetimes...... maybe, just maybe, we should use less plastics and try and save some paperrr..which is not happening in my part of the much as nus tries to go just means more hassle in printing out notes...not saving much paper or time or money.... and must study somemore...siann..

on a brighter note, cousin huili aka daphne is getting married tonight!!! how exciting man. next year additional HB liao...shiok sia!!

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