Saturday, February 19, 2005

Great day, great company.

had a good day out with brudders jasper and colin...watched a fantastic show, plus good, unexpected buys.. ahhaha..

we were clowning around in town cos there were so many pple wearing freshbox tshirts so we were dam jiao.. so we went people spotting.. took freshbox while jasper took vondutch.. in the end, i triumphed 21 sightings to his 9 pathetic sightings, irritatingly.

yeahh bought a fourskin tshirt, halfpriced, stumbled upon a cool retro shop in far east and bought this lava thingy..and last of all, got my pair of mercurial vapors!!! after eons of yearning..finally got dream boots..can't wait man.

we watched hotel rwanda. it was a very touching show..and very good. it's unthinkable really, the genocide, as it unfolded on the bigscreen. luckily, all's well ended well..very poignant show pointing out the harsh realities of war..and u can really see how powerful propaganda is..however unbelievable it is.

great day, crowded with chingay.

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