Tuesday, July 05, 2005


in order to rediscover what goes on around in the minds of women and what tickles them, i've resorted to reading this series of books entitled 'shopaholic and *'..

as with war of the worlds and many literature thats been reviewed by me, the aftermath was just a stunned/bored 'OK...'

right, its a good book to read, i love the settings, from rural england to the big cities of ny and london..and really finding out for myself what girls actually do and buy when they shop..but its strenous on the mind as u trudge thru items 1 to 10345667 from page 1 to 300...because yes, that's what the book's about..just uncontrollable shopping shopping and more shopping.. still, with its quirky twists and funny letters from banks/credit card companies makes it a good, brainless read..

if you like surfing this certain babe's blog which is all about escapades and pictures of shopping and herself, you'll definitely like this book.

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