Tuesday, December 13, 2005


hah, its long overdued. but had to blog cos i keep listening to the song over and over again.

actually a big draw factor to it was that karen mok was starring in it..and rent is a kinda big broadway show over at ny, and plus the tickets were really cheap!!! hahaha..yupp so hobbled over with sore legs with cheang, celebrating our 2nd month anniversary :) ahahha..it was a happy day.

well the show started out oright..but man, things really got livened up with all its themes, im glad i caught it, cos it was so real. at first i didnt quite get the angel and tom collins part, but man, were they good!! both of them!! their voices really complemented each other man. and of course maureen and joanne..woohooo their rendition of take me or leave me was much much more soulful and powerful than what's playing now (its from the movie soundtrack) and literally took my (and cheang's) breath away..haha...karen mok suited her role pretty well, until she opened her mouth..other than that, she was fab man, her costumes, her legs, her figure..woooosh.

quite sad though, cos angel's actually one of my fav characters..cos he's really energetic and sing really really well, and he was soo cute! ahahhaa..but of course, nothing tops it all than great company..think i enjoyed it very much cos cheang was there.

the past weeks been real sloww..nothing much exciting happened..in fact i can't even remember much..except trying to catch up with school work. time is ticking by and i havent even started organising my notes yet. yes that's right im running out of time and if i dun buck up. sigh.


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