Monday, November 21, 2005

CAs are over!

yes it says it all!!!!!!!!
after 4 weeks of intensive mugging..5 or 6 or 7 or 8 for some..but 4 for me...its finally over!!

actually, it effectively ended a week before the final CAs, when i stayed home the entire no, not to mug but to just wind out and relax..only mugged 1 or 2 hours a day..yes that was how burnt out i was...but, glad now.

kelong trip!! it was soo fun!! basically it was ALL ABOUT FOOD...GLORIOUS SEAFOOD! i wished i could blog it down, but im too lazy. well lets just say that i caught a catfish (small) after 7 yes that's SEVEN frigging hours, and i was how delighted..using the wrong rod and no hook notwithstanding...poor zhong i wished i could say the same, but man, u dunno how much your presence there meant to me. i think the best part during the whole trip was both of us chilling by the bridge, albeit for a really short while, but it really felt good. with denise too, i think u 2 peeps are one of those pple that i can really talk to..hmm..

well well if u want more photos, pls get from dehan! and if u want more indepth descriptive exciting blogs please visit ETONG, ZHONGYANG'S or TOE's blogs...


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