Ooh Wee!
finally, this weekend was spent catching up with some friends(from medical school), babe and family. hahaa..finally a movie in town, the PRESTIGE, like woah! finally... and yes, IN TOWN! oh god, have i been deprived.
i wouldnt say i haven't been having fun or 'chilling' out in that sense.. beers here, dinners there, plus lots of meetings...tonnes of it actually...
ooh yes, it's not an easy job, but at least, i think, i'm one who works well under slight stress, ooh i stress again, slight stress... gives me a fresh perspective of how much MORE time i seem to have..oh yes, i'm becomng pretty good at time management, but NOT without help from those people around me, those that i love and those that love me..hehe..
ah, the HK Cha chan teng is really not bad, their MACAU iced coffee is keeping me up, therefore the late night. i'm prolly not gonna catch any winks till the early morning.
1 heineken plus 1 shot of danzka vodka, and i'm still very much well awake.
i think i'd better stay off the 1 or 2 beer per night habit or cirrhosis is gonna visit me real soon -chuckles-
in the meantime, it's really good to hang out well with cheang, we've finally got our date(other than those times spent around NUS and dinners at NUH/scicanteen/nusmacs)
time to STEP UP!