Monday, August 22, 2005

mundane monday...NOT

wooohooo..ive run the 2nd longest distance i've ever run in my entire life..feels good don't it! k not my poor feet which are blistered and numb and sore...tak and bang and i traversed the whole kent ridge today..completed in 55minutes..WITHOUT STOPPING...think it prob was 10-12k like that..but still a loong way frm fitness man..but no problems..getting there..inch by inch..come on!! at least i managed to complete it...yupyup hb is old now..the skinny legs can no longer carry him over such long distances..not with a weak left acl..haiyo.

and had my first 'class gathering' today..went with isaac to meet stan and heathen ong..actually the whole pt was to meet the heather feather before she poofs into thin air again..hahah we made a pact with stanxors that we'll meet again in 10years..and if he reminds us, we'll treat him to the whole full course...hurhur..heathen ong still looks e same..same hairdo, same face, same everything.. and well, its sweet cos she has superb memory :) haha can recollect all the old tales..yup she's the person responsible for my transformation man..unknowingly..hahaha

kk im dam tired lah..fuck how to study for patho lydat?!? i was half lost during prac today lah..summore nv bring any notes...dying...come on!!

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