Tuesday, August 23, 2005


haha..met the bombastic hairdoed zhang fei in town today..and kram and i chionged there to have a foto taken with him..and bloody stupid question he asked me 'u are singaporean ar?' basket..got brains not..of cos lah!! and when i first showed my mum the foto..she said 'wah, he's realy dam ugly ar' yar man, stand beside me still look ugly..he really win hands down lah..but he still gets the babes.. disproves the theory that cute guys get babes..cos..they're just pure eye candy.. that means i got chance man..woohoooo

went mad shopping with rongster today man..just went ck tangs and that was enough..woohoo finally bought my converse shoes hahah..sorry ar bro..but man, if u want it..anytime man.

kk..i must go and study..but i noe i probably wont..just read come on. must can do. DO PBL!! BITCH.

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