Tuesday, August 30, 2005

what u get...aint what u see... Posted by Picasa

chiobus Posted by Picasa

rambo yauhongz and i..that was a really nice gun he was holdiing i gotta say Posted by Picasa

now this is decent..and u'll never get to see weisheng lydat ever again.. Posted by Picasa

there.....you....go..... well at least we were quite lucky to have wang etong's cousin, bryan wong aka wang lujiang to join in the fun..and win the 2nd best dressed table!! check out lujiang 2nd from left..Posted by Picasa

and now u don't. Posted by Picasa

now you see it..3.5Litres tower tall of raspberry golden ale Posted by Picasa

jasper's great mix of peanuts with raspberry golden ale Posted by Picasa

that's my first stout..and steam beer..steaaamin' Posted by Picasa

the night of madness at brewerkz.. Posted by Picasa

Sunday, August 28, 2005

Dinner not dance but got abit

ehh just came back from Dnd 05 man, so totally rocks..dam fun lah..go mad time again..hahahha but too tired to upload the pics although i really want to..and the 3brothers' night out of madness also..but..yar lets leave that for later..cos hb wants to go catch up on sleep..so that he can wake up not too late on sunday and sleep not too late on sunday..so he can wake up on time for school on monday!

oright man, playing's officially over. not quite, but yar. lets get on with the important stuff man. like shopping. mUAAAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA. shopping rocks.

Tuesday, August 23, 2005


haha..met the bombastic hairdoed zhang fei in town today..and kram and i chionged there to have a foto taken with him..and bloody stupid question he asked me 'u are singaporean ar?' basket..got brains not..of cos lah!! and when i first showed my mum the foto..she said 'wah, he's realy dam ugly ar' yar man, stand beside me still look ugly..he really win hands down lah..but he still gets the babes.. disproves the theory that cute guys get babes..cos..they're just pure eye candy.. that means i got chance man..woohoooo

went mad shopping with rongster today man..just went ck tangs and that was enough..woohoo finally bought my converse shoes hahah..sorry ar bro..but man, if u want it..anytime man.

kk..i must go and study..but i noe i probably wont..just read come on. must can do. DO PBL!! BITCH.

guess who i met in town today!!!! MILKRAM!!!! hahaha..no lah, saw ZHANG FEI!!! Posted by Picasa

Monday, August 22, 2005

isaac and stanxors..us at nydc celebrating heathen's comeback..all on isaac!! Posted by Picasa

im too ugly for heathen ong hahah Posted by Picasa

finally a decent but blurry picture Posted by Picasa

that's..guess who!!!! together in electric blue. Posted by Picasa

yauhong and isaac cuddling up to each other at renjun's pad..where his dog sleeps..that's after mambo..what a blast man Posted by Picasa

mundane monday...NOT

wooohooo..ive run the 2nd longest distance i've ever run in my entire life..feels good don't it! k not my poor feet which are blistered and numb and sore...tak and bang and i traversed the whole kent ridge today..completed in 55minutes..WITHOUT STOPPING...think it prob was 10-12k like that..but still a loong way frm fitness man..but no problems..getting there..inch by inch..come on!! at least i managed to complete it...yupyup hb is old now..the skinny legs can no longer carry him over such long distances..not with a weak left acl..haiyo.

and had my first 'class gathering' today..went with isaac to meet stan and heathen ong..actually the whole pt was to meet the heather feather before she poofs into thin air again..hahah we made a pact with stanxors that we'll meet again in 10years..and if he reminds us, we'll treat him to the whole full course...hurhur..heathen ong still looks e same..same hairdo, same face, same everything.. and well, its sweet cos she has superb memory :) haha can recollect all the old tales..yup she's the person responsible for my transformation man..unknowingly..hahaha

kk im dam tired lah..fuck how to study for patho lydat?!? i was half lost during prac today lah..summore nv bring any notes...dying...come on!!

Saturday, August 20, 2005

moods. mood. moooods.

for all those of u out there who still think im an enigma, this is for you. from www.colorgenics.com ..thanks qy..hurhur :)
my colorgenics results:

You have always been on the move seeking affectionate, satisfying and harmonious relationships. Your ultimate goal has been the realization of an intimate union in which there could be love, self-sacrifice and mutual trust. It has often been said that 'True love is just around the corner' and - if you haven't found it as yet - you possibly soon will.
You are an emotional and sensitive person. You are inclined to delight and wallow in all things that give pleasure to your senses but nevertheless your tastes are refined and you reject anything that is indecent or vulgar.
Enough is enough - but the problems never seem to stop. They never stop. You feel, and maybe you are right, that the problems seem to go on and on and you have indeed had more than your fair share of trials and tribulations. But to give you credit - you bounce back time and time again - you stick to your beliefs because deep down you have that inner knowledge, that 'belief' system that in the end, everything will turn out OK - and you are right -it will!
You are being unduly influenced by the situation that is all around you. You do not like the feeling of loneliness and whatever it is that seems to separate you from others. You know that life can be wonderful and you are anxious to experience life in all its aspects, to live it to the full. You therefore resent any restriction or limitations that are being imposed on you and you insist on going it alone.
You wish to be left in peace... no more conflict and no more differences of opinion. In fact you just don't want to be involved in arguments of any shape or form. All you want is for 'them' to get on with it - and to leave you alone.

Thursday, August 18, 2005

it's been quite a whirlwind of activities going on, besides lagging behind in school.

finally visited mambo with some of my close pals last night, after bbq at nanzun's place, we headed down to zouk, 5 of us in the cab, squashing zhong's head down whenever we neared a road block. music was fantastic, so was the crowd, cos there were cute jap girls. but den, tad too crowded as always. stupid ty, thanks for telling us end at 6..basket..

met up with the PBL tutor today. no disrespect, but this yr's tutor is way WAY WAY much better than the last. k well at least he's a DOCTOR doctor..a/prof lim, he's really good. really changes the way PBL's being taught to us. a real different perspective, and as much as i loathe myself ever saying this, i'm looking forward to the next PBL. i've probably learnt much more in this 1.5hr session that i've had in all the sessions last yr. he really brings out what a doctor today needs to know, and not just blind following the objectives. he looks beyond the scope and really puts that human touch into medicine, and not just words and books. above all, he really understands and empathizes with us students...yup, even though he's really old, he really connected with us, well, k me, at least. that's a first man. he's got my respect. i'm surprised at how much more motivated i am to study harder, so that i dun become a quack doctor. sure, an A-lister doesnt necessary make a good doctor, but im pretty sure Cs won't make me a good one either..well that's that for now.

i'm pretty much kept awake now despite the lack of sleep last night...partially cos of furry's getting into ensemble -wink-

well my fren, we'll always be here, supporting u all the way man. anytime u need us.

and i shall end this with something i ripped from dada's, which is the answer to life, really.. yup cos i know i wont blog that often anymore..im getting lethargic these days, but no less smarter..hahaha... k here it goes:

" don't shun relationships because they can make your happiness complete. academic and professional achievement alone can be very one-dimensional. "

Monday, August 15, 2005


"but it's better to have love and lost, than not to have loved before."

i had one in mine..but this, hmm. sets minds thinking.

oh! and my shoes are ugly blue..not as nice baby blue as it is in the picture :(

don't be sad k, she'll be back in no time. :)

yeahh man!! check this baby out!! im in for a ride man.. Posted by Picasa

Sunday, August 14, 2005

hah!! just got it..sarina's lovely brownies made for me last year..wooohooo..soo chio lor just like her..ohhh yes, sarina, i do love you. Posted by Picasa

happy mills

so i spent the day milling about...lazy day...but i like!

haha just met up with yk to chill around...den watched the man u match, man! were they boring. but effective lah huh...no giggs or heinze or ronaldo..still can win 2-0... VANDERSAR IS DAM GOOD!!! buy of the season man..dam steady..like what yk says..reminiscent of schmeichel man.. that's it man that's it, watch out for man u man u anti man u men!

so all the plans for ikea and running and shopping put aside for the day...
and den i realised..i gotta be at sentosa tmr man!! hahaha good deal..first aider.. got pts, got money, got free tshirt and lunch..wah shioik!! just that 1030..dam early siah..

well well.

haha been pretty active the past 3 days man..what with weights and floorball..den soccer..and den tennis...mann!! dam shiok!! im gonna keep up this lifestyle man. my half marathon training starts tmr..aim for 6km first..shud be no problem. i hope!

Thursday, August 11, 2005

sch's stupid

had a 'short' day today ending at 12..and i actually missed 2 lectures..

i think those pple who planned the timetable are really stupid man. 1stly, there shouldnt have been any school on monday. 2ndly, they should really just start at 9 from now onwards man. its realy stupid cramming sooo many lectures together this week and next week...when we're just back from the hols.

it soo damned hard to try to get used to the pace again in such a short time and half the time im either ponning or talking or just daydreaming. i hate it everytime when someone asks me what the lecturer just said and all i can reply is 'i dunno' and give a weak stupid dumbfuck smile...cos...its just soo boring to begin with..true we have no choice! and yes, i would like to go thru those lectures but maybe not like 4 or 5 lectures at one shot maybe?!?!

tmr's gonna suck big time man. i dunno what's the big deal with cofm. dun gimme those numbers and what not man and just recite whatever's in the notes. and thanks for having THREE, yes not ONE but THREE straight lectures in a row tmr. tell me im not gonna sleep/eat/pon that man. confirm man i'm telling ya.

other than that, it's still pretty good to see everybody...yeah that's why we talk. hah!!
the LT's soo much bigger now! hahh and like furry i gotta say that the damned LTs are really dam hot lah. wahlao. u gonna save like a few dollars a day to make ur prospective doctors suffocate in that heat and stale air? hey think abt it man big boy.

not that i wanna say, but i've been a very very baad example to my future patients. missed my medications..but..welll...we're always taking more than we should..hah!! dunno man havent realy touched much pharmaco..i cant say anything..boo.

Tuesday, August 09, 2005


ok man! gonna take some notes down tmr man!! yeah yeah..meaning buy new foolscap paper, pens, etc etc. ok this sucks..after like a whole weekend of nuahing at home..on national day spending time with family's pretty cool...watching the NDP together on TV..with stupid comments coming from all sides about how silly the enthu MPs look waving and clapping their hands along..alamak what if i get old and i become lydat..some things just never change..

and we went out to do grocery shopping at night..well..i think that's one of the best times to do some family bonding..squabbling over what to buy and what not to buy..in the end i get all of what i want. hurhur..

yes!! the throat's getting better..dun think i ever had such a quick recovery b4..thanks sel and vickz for the concern man..wah..drink warm green tea plus lots of water..helps man..and oh, not forgetting rest..i mean..sleep..i mean..im a sloth. hurhurhur..

ok man, ive got enough to last me for the next few nights..hmm..philadelphia cream cheese yum, campbell soup..coke light..lots of jacknjills..grape juice..arhrghhlka slurrrppp..oright man and i'm gonna move my study table into my room..so my study will no longer be a study hurhur..shall study till i pengz..come on man, at least an A before i graduate..wish me luck fellas.

and a very happy national day. oooh how i miss the girl in red.

Monday, August 08, 2005

well i have WAAAAAAAAAy too much money....or rather, i've been spending WAAAAAAAAAAAAAY too much money...now that's bad.

whats into me man?! going on a rampage of retail therapy....

swensen's was good/bad..food taste good..but ice cream was just too much..and i end up with a really bad sore throat now...incessant coughing that's gonna keep me up thru e nite.

im sick. rest well hb. because only u care.

sunrise...wah..we were there at like 5am.. Posted by Picasa

and guess who i met at rag!! gillywilly!! basket still looking quite cute..but moving to bt timah next yr :( Posted by Picasa

thats me with lynn and cabbage denise and muggy fish!! haha..im in a good mood so im uplaoding the photos..cos i cant sleep anyway..basket.. Posted by Picasa

nice har, medicine float..good shot there isaac, for once Posted by Picasa

cos u see..i actually CANT see whats going on...and someone kicked me...NOW I HAVE EVIDENCE..of who's been disturbing me during static...kicking me in my cheek Posted by Picasa

and scratching my right eye... Posted by Picasa

now my nose!!! lynette..ure so gonna get it the next time i see you... Posted by Picasa