Friday, June 10, 2005

romaa wooo roma!!!

so we checked in at guy's paradise, sister hostel of firenze inn!! GREAT PLACE MAN!! rachel from canada runs the place, and she's a sweet and friendly lady. its soo much cosier and stable here..i slept like a baby the last 2 nights man. and despite being dam hot in the morning, rome's chilly at night..really like aircon. and the breakfast here is 10times better, with ham and cheese and loads of CROISSANTS and pastries..yummy yum!

so its been 2 days, 1st night we just checked out the city..rome is just beautifullly fantastic..its really the eternal city, and if u have just one city to visit in life..this is it. i havent been to paris, but im quite sure about this. paris wud be the if-u-had-a-milion-bucks-to-spend-in-5-days kinda place. haha.

so we met patrick from alabama, he sleeps above me..haha and he's freaking tall and funny..AND GUESS WHAT!! HE'S A MED STUDENT TOO!! just finised first year like us, and he learns EXACTLY THE SAME STUFF, SAME TRACKS!! how cool is that..just sad to think that everyone else is shocked singaporeans speak english as our first language..

yeahh we checked out trevi fountain and spanish steps at night..trevi is just beautiful. one of the 3/4 things that define rome. u gotta check it out at night. no shit. i just wished YOU were here with me. but who the fuck are YOU?!?! please appear, france, anywhere...yeahh u throw coin with your back facing the trevi and u re bound to visit rome again, 2nd time, ure marrying a italian wife/make a wish. i made a wish la.

got back to some BOOZING..yeahh free unlimited booze at guy's paradise..really paradise man..dam siao.
so last 2 nights ive been dam seh when i went to sleep..

k shall update on my exciting trip to the vatican city with the pope and colossal colosseum tomrr...cos i have only 3 minutes left on the internet..hahahahhaa woohooo

1 comment:

c said...

heyo hanboon, glad you're having a fab time!! just askin. do u ned to make advance reservations for papal audience? how? what about all the museums.. how to get tics, or minimise waiting time? can get hotels to book for u? thanks! enjoy the rest of ur trip